Carmen Leilani De Jesus


Sebastopol, CA

Carmen De Jesus has been working with Betty Martin since 2013 to bring together the Wheel of Consent community and share this work globally.

Her lived experience as a child of immigrants, as well as a survivor of child abuse, sexual assault and breast cancer treatment, deeply informs her practices of embodiment, sexual empowerment, trauma healing, decolonization, consent, boundaries, sovereignty, somatics and social justice and these intersections form the crux of her Wheel of Consent practice. 

With certifications in hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic Programming, executive coaching and corporate experience in the fields of marketing, advertising, public relations and operations, Carmen infuses a consent-based, regenerative approach to clients she coaches 1:1, as well as the programs she offers to organizations and universities.

During her time with the School of Consent, Carmen also spearheaded the Social Justice, Somatics and Sovereignty community series, as well as the organization's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives. Carmen also teaches for the Surrogate Partner Collective’s certification program, and serves as the Resilience and Liberation Coach for the North Bay Organizing Project, a non-profit in Sonoma County, CA.

Website: Consent Is A Practice
Instagram: @consentisapractice

